changed: overall structure --> the OpenScan2 repository will serve as a central hub for all informations concerning OpenScan (i.e. firmware, hardware, tutorials ...)
2022-05-11 beta
added: changelog and version (finally ;)
added: create an update using the node-red-backend inject node ("create beta" and "prepare image creation" in "update" tab)
fixed: Error handling in flask (when no preview is taken)
fixed: Error when upload failed + node red restarted (multiple instances of curl)
fixed: When closing the browser session/missing the popup after the routine, the data set got lost (if this happens, just restart the device and it will be moved to the right location)
2022-04-26 beta
added: donation button ;)
fixed: the wonderful camera position algorithm was faulty and a bit inefficient
fixed: downscaling the preview image caused the preview to disappear (when crop value was to high)
fixed: delay_before and delay_after are now properly applied, so that you can set a delay before/after taking a photo
fixed: updates might crash the selected camera --> it is now necessary to re-select the camera after certain updates
2022-04-21 beta
added: timer (ETA) until a routine is done
added: showing progress, while files are being split (before uploading to OpenScanCloud)
added: infotexts (FINALLY :)
added: several stats/device information
fixed: combining two sets did not delete the smaller set
2022-04-20 beta & main
!fixed: pi cameras (v1.3, v2.1 and HQ) finally work and can be simply selected in the settings menu
!fixed: Raspberry Pi 3B+ and 4 work! (the main limiting factor now is the RAM, where at least 1GB RAM is needed)
fixed: live preview sometimes did not work. This has been a network speed issue and has been solved by downscaling the image (resolution can be set)
fixed: it is now possible to delete individual sets.
fixed: it is now possible to use all LEDs.
added: Turntable mode (disable the second axis)
added: Pause scan. You can pause and un-pause the scan by simply pressing the button
added: second scan pass. When one scan is done, you can immediately run a second pass. This is especially useful, if you want to re-orient the object
added: auto-timeout. Turn off the ringlight (todo: and motors) after 300 seconds (value can be set)
added: diskspace warning. When free diskspace drops below a given threshold (4GB by default), a warning message will appear
changed: new background image, minor design changes
changed: log file can be easily generated and downloaded by clicking a button (update&info tab)